Monday, July 02, 2007

Powerslides in Cali and Bowlriding in Chelsea

So here are some new vids of me on my quest for rockskatedom. I watched Thrashin' the other day and I immediately became obsessed with powerslides upon seeing Gator Rogowski doing these things at 20-30 mph on Encinal Canyon Road.

Also, I went skating yesterday for my BDay and learned a lot. I still majorly suck at bowl riding but it's getting better. This is more of an educational video for me rather than a showcase of my skilz. I also figured out how to break a leg while skating. Just put a lot of pressure on a straight leg in the right position and a bone will snap. Now I know what not to do. And no I didn't break a leg. I just figured out HOW to do it.

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