Friday, January 12, 2007

Band Camp and Beyond

I just arrived back in New York after a week in Fairfield, Iowa where if you build it, they will come. It was a fruitful week of playing with Jonnie and Gemma Cohen--two members of a band we like to call Laser Focus. Together we played organ, sitar, tabla. . .everything! I bought a bass guitar. I played with a Bansuri flute master. I played drums in a futon shop during the monthly Art Walk. I taught drums. Band Camp on every level.

Having come from a relaxing week with friends in the Midwest, I hit the ground running. Gospel rehearsal yesterday, playing for preschoolers this morning, country band rehearsal tonight: I realized that I am living my dream RIGHT NOW. No longer waiting for some future moment of accomplishment, I am absolutely happy living the life I have chosen. Wonderfully, this all came to me while playing a chug-a-chug-a train beat with Andy Friedman and his country band. Amazing.

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