Tuesday, March 06, 2007


So Al Gore won the Oscar. That was fun. But I'm having doubts about him running for prez. Don't think its gonna happen. Would be cool, but I think he doesn't want to eff with all the BS. I wouldn't. I'd get all emo and spend my time in a room with burgandy shades pulled with a glass of brandy by my side, lamenting the weight of the world that I had so wantonly taken upon my now weary shoulders.

Did you watch 24 tonight? It's weird how it parallels present day society and the darkness of politics. Let's just leave it at that. By the way, speaking of dark: Dick Cheney. Wooo, what a man. You have to love him. You just have to. If you can't show that dude the compassion and love that you say you have, then we're all up the creek. Plus, he needs it. Do you think he's stoked? I don't know, maybe he is and that's great, but it looks to me like he's waiting to start over.

New York City is the Rome of modern day Western Civilization.

Something about the band Battles has peaked my interest. Maybe it will yours.

Check out North Brother Island on Google Earth and then see its history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, Al Gore didn't win an Oscar (even though many news folks keep staying he did)... Davis Guggenheim won. Notice only one statue was handed out, and Guggenheim handed it to Al who then handed it back after he spoke. (Unusual allowance for the Academy?... but Hollywood likes Al.) Too bad he didn't have credit, after all, he told the story.