Thursday, March 30, 2006


It has been pure loco here lately. David Lynch came for the weekend to talk to a bunch of people who came to hear him talk about creativity and whatnot. Dr. John Hagelin talked as well. AND rockstar DONOVAN performed several times. I admit that I had not even heard of this guy until a couple weeks ago, even though I have inadvertently heard some of his most well-known songs--Mellow Yellow to be exact. It's crazy how much music is out there that I have no idea about. The only person I think that might actually be up-to-date on everything is Grey McMurray--that fool is freaking on point. Anyways, DONOVAN was amazing. Such a performer, plus he had some great stories about his life and the times he spent with the Rish--the Maharish(i) that is.
I stepped out of the building today, get on my motorbike (50cc), and the sky lights up for 3 seconds straight with fork lightning. Imagine that!

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