It has been pure loco here lately. David Lynch came for the weekend to talk to a bunch of people who came to hear him talk about creativity and whatnot. Dr. John Hagelin talked as well. AND rockstar DONOVAN performed several times. I admit that I had not even heard of this guy until a couple weeks ago, even though I have inadvertently heard some of his most well-known songs--Mellow Yellow to be exact. It's crazy how much music is out there that I have no idea about. The only person I think that might actually be up-to-date on everything is Grey McMurray--that fool is freaking on point. Anyways, DONOVAN was amazing. Such a performer, plus he had some great stories about his life and the times he spent with the Rish--the Maharish(i) that is.
I stepped out of the building today, get on my motorbike (50cc), and the sky lights up for 3 seconds straight with fork lightning. Imagine that!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
It has been a good weekend. Laid back yet full of activity. I just got back from a Sunday night dinner with friends where I ate some phenomenal Italian food--that which ranks up there with Ma Chiavaro's raviolis and the family trip to Firenze, Italy. Good times.
David Lynch is coming to Fairf next weekend for a festival of consciousness at the university which will happen to hold about a thousand people, so I've been getting together a band for that occasion, as well as a future concert. We are playing Aretha Franklin's Rocksteady which has a severe James Brown-type groove. Tommorrow starts the new block called "Constitution of the Universe". I am not sure of the course specifics yet but I'm sure it has something to do with the title. Hmmmm.
I'm about to watch the surf movie--The Craving--that contains my cousin Heather's movie debut. Goodnight.
David Lynch is coming to Fairf next weekend for a festival of consciousness at the university which will happen to hold about a thousand people, so I've been getting together a band for that occasion, as well as a future concert. We are playing Aretha Franklin's Rocksteady which has a severe James Brown-type groove. Tommorrow starts the new block called "Constitution of the Universe". I am not sure of the course specifics yet but I'm sure it has something to do with the title. Hmmmm.
I'm about to watch the surf movie--The Craving--that contains my cousin Heather's movie debut. Goodnight.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Monday Night

Ok, I know my blogs haven't been the best lately--I'm sorry for that. Actually, to tell you the truth, they crack me up, but I can see how someone might say that they have been a bit sparse and/or outdated. Whatever.
I just saw my favorite movie of all time two nights ago--COMMANDO--starring my home state's commander and chief, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Alyssa Milano. This movie gets a B rating at best but I think Arnold should have won an Oscar for his performance. "Why don't they just call him Girl George," asks Colonel Matrix with 80s half-mullet to his 13 year old daughter, "it would cut out all the confusion." Brilliant. I cry every time.
It is Monday, the last week of my Ayur-Vedic Self-Pulse Class, and here comes a 3 day weekend. I'm stoked. I don't know what I will do but I will let you know. I'm watching Last Samurai.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
It's ok! My cell phone is back!

I found the cell phone! You can all start calling me again! HA HA! IT's so hilarious--once you finaly give up on finding something, that is when you find it. This is a law a nature, I am convinced.
I saw Renee Fleming last night in Iowa City, the NYC of the Iowa. She is a master. Absolutley perfect.
I'm going to bed.

Sunday, March 05, 2006
My Cell Phone Walked Out on Me

I can't find my phone. We've all done it at least twice and, when bad, it's usually gone for at least a day, maybe two. It's been about 4 days and I'm scared. I think it's on the side of the road or something, lying there, saturated from today's cold rain, battery long dead. I hope not. It better not. It would be great if it were in a part of my backback that I have happened to overlook the 10 times that I have already tried, but alas, this is not the way the world works. It'll be back. It always does.
Friday, March 03, 2006
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