I started playing James Brown Grooves again. This time, I pulled out the bass guitar and put down the lines as best as I could. My favorite of the day is Funky Drummer. It is the most popular groove to be sampled by hip-hop artists in all of history, which basically goes back to the 80s when hip-hop began. My favorites from the weekend are "Funky Women" and "Talkin' Loud and Sayin' Nothing". These grooves are so nasty, that they make my face look like I just smelled something really bad.

This is the wonderful book that helped me learn of the nuances of the JB Rhythm sections. Stories, bass lines, wah-wah patterns, pictures and more! BUT . . .

. . . you won't find this guy, who is also named James Brown. How do I know? I don't, but his name came up in Google images on the second page.

Here is JB getting his mug taken.